Board of Directors

The Anchorage Ski Club Board of Directors is made up of 15 volunteer directors who are elected for a 3-year term.

All members of the Board of Directors agree to adhere to ASC’s Director Code of Conduct policy.

Here is our current list of board members and executive officers. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact us.

Executive Officers:

  • President – Beverly Luedke-Chan
  • First Vice President (Membership) – Ben Siwiec
  • Second Vice President (Operations) – Kevin Keeler
  • Recording Secretary – Shea Siegert
  • Treasurer – Daniel  Jensen

Board of Directors:

  • Beverly Luedke-Chan
  • Mark Heysell
  • Josh Morales
  • Shea Siegert
  • Steve Heinle
  • Marissa Wardrop
  • Luke Clement
  • Ben Siwiec
  • John Koltun
  • Rich Todd
  • Erik Gabrielson
  • Daniel Jensen
  • Kevin Keeler
  • Adam Smith
  • Tol Fishburn